Res Country


Connecting the capital with the country, search and list prime rural homes

If you are a country agent with prime rural property, ResCountry is your indispensable tool to:

  • Win new instructions by showing that you are connected to the London market
  • Access a vast market of buyers actively looking for a second home in the country or a move out of the capital
  • Quickly find the right buyers and secure sales faster
  • Earn additional commission by working directly with fellow agents in the capital
  • Extend your services further by finding the perfect London property for applicants

What is ResCountry?

ResCountry enables established estate agents outside of London to join the exclusive LonRes network and showcase prime rural property to over 6,000 leading agents working across the capital - collectively representing a vast market of 100,000s active buyers.

In a recent survey conducted by LonRes, 86% of London agents confirmed that they have vendors looking to move outside of the city. To tap into this dynamic marketplace and secure more business for your organisation, please get in touch today.

What do our subscribers say?

"ResCountry is already proving to be extremely useful for winning instructions. By connecting with central London agents on LonRes, our client’s properties are immediately presented to a vast number of buyers from the capital."

Lawrence Henry
Partner, Statons